Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Life. (be prepared for reading)
And that is why the test is so important.
Do you test a Shield by merely wearing it?
A Sword by merely polishing it?
A Helm by merely looking at it?
... Your Honor by merely talking about it?
Diagnosed with a MD-NOS Severe Emotional Handicap (strongest in Anger, Frustration, Hate, & Love) in 1991 and Aspergers Syndrome in 2002.
Who has also spent more than his share of time in the loony bin.
Sir Ulrich:
I got issues up the yin yang with women. I am so damn picky I never dated anyone I knew IRL or bothered to even get to know any due to my long for wanting a woman who was NOT American. Mostly has to do with my attraction to European women along with my long to "not be American" and associate myself and my future kids with a culture of Europe, which is what I identify as European not American due the vast medieval history base there as well as reenacting me 100X better than it is here over there. Currently dating a girl from Germany but I'm fed up with her ignoring the crap out of me so I am ready to dump her ass. I am normally rather chivalrous but I don't waste my chivalry and love on ingrates who don't deserve it. I used to and just got used, getting burned multiple times and hurt and being the "nice guy" who gets walked all over and treated like a doormat will make you become inherently selfish angry and bitter and start to lose your morals as you gradually become a darker bitter soul like I have been becoming.
Sir Edward:
Boy, I don't know if I'm the right one to give advice on women. I was dreadfully single all through high school and most of college.
But Sir Brian speaks great truth above. The entire culture that you're used to from High School is confined to just that place. College is different, and the outside world is different from that too. Once a few years go by, none of what is bothering you now will have any lasting impact on who you become and what you do from there.
That doesn't make it any easier, of course. What you're facing right now is your current reality. But in the grand scheme of things, it won't matter, and you'll be just like the rest of us--- glad to be done with school and away from the stupidity and drama.
Some people never grow out of it, but most do. In the meantime, try to be the person you want to be. Be knightly. Be a rock that can not be budged by these people. If someone is lying to you and mistreating you, they're not worthy of being your friend, so you can move on, and do so proudly.
Don't let other people control you. Yes, it'll make you angry, but you'll find that it's within your control to let go of it, and not let them get to you (especially because there are others out there who will be much better for you, and it's best to find out what kind of person they are sooner rather than later!)
Believe me, I've been down the "dark and bitter" path. I was the nice guy who never got noticed by girls. I got depressed. It almost ruined me.
But you know what? It's not worth it, and you have the power to be who you want to be, and not associate with people who are simply poisonous.
It takes time, but once you get past the "my wants and my needs" way of thinking, and instead look at "what can I offer", it'll get easier. Not to mention the fact that a lot of teenage girls really have their heads screwed on backwards, and don't get it straightened out until about age 20 or 25. So hold strong and be patient. As hard as that is to do.
I am extremely blessed that I have found a honorable and noble lady that appreciates chivalry, but I do know the feeling. I myself in earlier years played the part of unnoticed nice guy. It is one of the most tragic roles ever cast in the show that is life.
I would urge you to leave her behind. Forget her. Rise above all the filth she brings into your life. The girl is causing you to compromise on your Chivalric morals and values. Just as the Bible urges one to do away with anything that is causing them to sin, a knight should do away with anything that causes him to (or makes him want to) break a tenant of Chivalry.
Will you rise above this, leave it behind and find a lady who appreciates knighthood and chivalry, and is willing to abide by it, or will you let this break your chivalry in a petty game of meanness, lies and deciet?
This is a test of your Chivalry. Can you rise to the challenge?
--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2012-03-30, 03:22:59 --- Not to mention the fact that a lot of teenage girls really have their heads screwed on backwards, and don't get it straightened out until about age 20 or 25. So hold strong and be patient. As hard as that is to do.
--- End quote ---
Boy is that true. The bad thing is that, youll go out with a girl, then all of a sudden her personality will change 100% from what you met her as. But whatever then if they cant see the good in other people and want to go out with some asshole that thinks hes cool cause he smokes and drinks and dresses like a gangster when hes not then thats fine with me, that just shows me their judgment. (im basing that off what girls at my school like)
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