Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Life. (be prepared for reading)

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Hey if you're wearing armor, you're also wearing a big ice-breaker / talking point! :)

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2012-04-12, 14:00:17 ---Hey if you're wearing armor, you're also wearing a big ice-breaker / talking point! :)

--- End quote ---

Definitely true! My best advice is to be calm and cool, and most of all be yourself. If you're trying too hard, you come off as desperate. Be friendly, polite, and sincere, and use the armor or garb as an opportunity to strike up a conversation. Girls love a man in armor!

Sir William:
And remember...chics do dig armor.  I get approached all the time for pictures- like these.

And my wife is a huge fan of me in armor.  lol

One thing to keep in mind, if you appear to be enjoying yourself, they will feel you to be more approachable.  If you catch them looking but not making their way toward you, you go to them.  Strike up a conversation- doesn't matter what its about...talk will turn to other subjects, it always does when two people share an interest.

Sir Brian:
You could also purchase a flower and present it to a lady with the compliment of paying homage to the fairest of the faire.  ;)

It must be awful to be you Sir William. Just awful.



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