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Photo contests

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Sir James A:
I went hiking at Harper's Ferry with my wife this morning, and had 2 great ideas. There's the stone ruins of an old church, and there's also a stone church with stained glass windows and everything. Both are the "historic" district. We could have some pretty good background scenery for some shots of us in armor. We could do solo shots, group shots, and possibly even group shots with our ladies as well. Even if we only submit the solo shots and a group shot or two, might as well take advantage of the opportunity for some good group shots too.

It's about a 15 min drive from my house, and is actually about the same distance as getting to my house for Sir Edward, Sir Brian and Sir William (it's off 340 just over the MD/VA/WV line. It's $6 for parking, but there's some small non-chain places to eat, an ice cream place, etc, so it's a good "general" trip in addition to just the photo ops.

Sir Edward:

That's a great idea. Stone churches would work very well!

Wooded sites are fairly easy, since there are parks all over the place. But if anyone knows of any particularly cool looking trees, that might be something to consider as well.

This kinda goes hand-in-hand with the portrait thread I started... but we can also think about what sorts of props might be useful. For instance, something that I thought was interesting in "Kingdom of Heaven" was when Saladin finds a cross knocked over, and stands it back up. I can picture a cool shot with one of our knights picking up a cross from the debris in a ruined church.

All kinds of creative things we could do.

Sir James A:
Remind me tomorrow at our VARF rehearsal, and I'll show you guys the pictures we took at Harper's Ferry today, just for a general idea of the backgrounds.

Sir William:
Frater, just out of curiosity, is that the Windlass Reynald sword from KoH?  Always liked it, especially that pommel.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2012-03-31, 19:00:30 ---Remind me tomorrow at our VARF rehearsal, and I'll show you guys the pictures we took at Harper's Ferry today, just for a general idea of the backgrounds.

--- End quote ---

I guess we didn't take pictures that I thought we did. Here's a photo a bit downhill from the old chapel ruins: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/551262_10150720469682372_504837371_9549317_715376847_n.jpg


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