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Immortals: The most painful scene...

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.... I have seen in a while is in this film. It is when Lysander is castrated by a hammer.

Good fight scenes.

Contrived script.

Castration with a great hammer.

Odd film. Glad I waited to DVD.

And that pain even includes when that bastard gets his 'Golden Crown' in Game of Thrones.

Sir William:
Yea...the hammer bit made me squirm like my pants were on fire.  Very uncomfortable.  Viserys deserved that golden crown...he broke ancient tradition and then scoffed at doing so.  Bad way to go, though.


--- Quote from: Sir William on 2012-03-27, 15:15:29 --- Viserys deserved that golden crown...he broke ancient tradition and then scoffed at doing so.  Bad way to go, though.

--- End quote ---

And threatened the Kalisi (sp?), and thought that you couldn't hurt someone without spilling blood. Guilty of Criminal stupidity and terminal schmuckness. But yeah, bad way to go. Stab me, behead me, but don't boil my brain with gold.

Sir William:
The Khaleesi was his own sister, but he was in Vaes Dothrak, the holy city of the Dothraki.  No weapons were permitted to be carried within the city limits- he broke that rule first.  As we said, bad way to go.  Great scene tho, no?

I also liked Drogo as Conan...thought he captured the spirit of the role perfectly; something Arnold did not quite do.


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