Miscellaneous > The Sallyport


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Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2012-03-24, 03:12:33 ---weld some perf plate on the inside of the helmet if your that worried about it ehhehe
--- End quote ---

That's one of the reasons I'm occasionally checking eBay for an old beat up fencing mask so I can cut a section of the perforated steel mesh out and have it welded onto the ocularium of my great bascinet. Another way to avoid such tragedies is to have an adequate safety tip on your sword.  ;)

Sir Wolf:
or, now or comes to mind for those of us with common sense, or a little self control!! i've done "live steel" combat. that was just stupidity

Sir Edward:

Well yes, everyone should stay under control. But accidents happen, no matter how careful you are.

When I was a kid growing up in Tampa we used to go to the Tampa Bay Area Ren Fest every year and witnessed one of the theatrical jousters have this happen to him with a splinter of shattered lance. A couple years later my mom was taking photography courses at the local college and there was a guy in her class with a deformed eye who went by 'Lance.'. Turned out it was the same guy!  He was very lucky in that the splinter did not penetrate his brain, only the eye. Next time I visit my parents I'll have to see if my mom still has the photos she took of the hit and the aftermath.

Allan Senefelder:

--- Quote ---When I was a kid growing up in Tampa we used to go to the Tampa Bay Area Ren Fest every year and witnessed one of the theatrical jousters have this happen to him with a splinter of shattered lance. A couple years later my mom was taking photography courses at the local college and there was a guy in her class with a deformed eye who went by 'Lance.'. Turned out it was the same guy!  He was very lucky in that the splinter did not penetrate his brain, only the eye.
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Something similar happened back in the early 90's at the faire I used to have a booth at. A lance shard went through the occularum of the guys close helmet. He was taken out on the gurney, helmet on as the shard stuck out of the occularum of the helmet. He got very luck as it slide in under his eye ( it rode the bone surface of the occuarum of the skull ) rather than in into his eye so he keep the eye.


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