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For the Girls. A new place to get a jill.

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Just saw this & figured I'd share. The only other place I know for girls to get a Jill is Century Martial Arts.

Pelvic Protector


Sir William:
I didn't know they needed one.  I mean...isn't it sort of padded already?  ;)

Ummm...??? No?

Women can get dislocated pelvis's from a hard shot to the crotch. It's a well advocated disabling technique in the eastern martial arts to strike hard a women in the crotch.

"West Kingdom Armored Manual 2011
-E. Body, Shoulder, and Groin Armor:
--3. For women, groin protection of closed-cell foam or heavy leather or the
equivalent is required to cover the pubic bone area. The wearing of a male athletic
cup by female fighters is prohibited."


--- Quote from: Sir William on 2012-03-20, 21:11:27 ---I didn't know they needed one.  I mean...isn't it sort of padded already?  ;)

--- End quote ---

Hahahaha, I see what you did there you dirty bastard lol :P

Sir Wolf:
hoboy, hey Sir Edward! remember when my wife was fencing your brother in law? heheh he bruised her REAL close the the mark ;) ehhehe


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