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The Dead
Allan Senefelder:
If you're down with the zombie apocalypse I just borrowed and watched this flick http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1386925/ . A nice twist on the theme, being set in Africa with an American mercenary left behind in the pullout when things went to hell. Filmed in Africa theres some great scenery.
Sir James A:
Any movie with "Rated R for bloody zombie violence and gore" in the description deserves a watch. :)
Sir Edward:
Sounds good to me. Added to the netflix queue.
--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2012-03-16, 22:21:49 ---Any movie with "Rated R for bloody zombie violence and gore" in the description deserves a watch. :)
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Sir William:
--- Quote from: Allan Senefelder on 2012-03-16, 17:39:25 ---If you're down with the zombie apocalypse I just borrowed and watched this flick http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1386925/ . A nice twist on the theme, being set in Africa with an American mercenary left behind in the pullout when things went to hell. Filmed in Africa theres some great scenery.
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Resident Evil 5, the game. That's exactly what happened. :)
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