Main > The Courtyard

MASHS March Free Play Sunday

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Sir James A:
They're very crisp, clean, sword-sized lines. If I can just try to break myself of the habit of catching swords with my armpits, I believe it won't happen as much. :) It's motivation to finish up with my gambeson. Have fun at free play tomorrow, gentlemen!

Sir Brian:
Excellent and worthy wounds Sir James! It was a lot of fun and both you and Sir Nathan are naturals with a good sense of timing and measure already which is something many fighters struggle with. :)

Sir Edward:
Yeah, I think they still look like bites to me, I could be wrong of course. I get marks just like that when I wear the globose breastplate, or a fencing jacket that is too small. The upper arm gets them where they squeeze in on it. If that's the case, it's even better reason to get a properly fitting gambeson! :)

Sir Edward:
BTW, here's a possibility for a starting mask:

And a chest protector is a nice cheap and easy thing to get that helps a lot:

And this is basically what I was using for gloves:

Sir Brian:
Here is the one I use. One of the best features is the removable liner so it is easy to keep clean and it holds up well. Best part is they have it on sale! :)


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