Main > The Armoury

Knightly Arts, helmet crests

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Sir Wolf:
yikes kinda pricey but still major cool factor.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2012-03-10, 04:39:59 ---Can't quite get it to work from my phone but I saw the lion crest. One please!

--- End quote ---

Their website is scripted up to be animated like crazy. Not surprising it doesn't work well on phones. Give it a try from home later. :)

Sir James A:
Just checked it out. The prices aren't as bad as I expected, considering that the price includes hand painting in your choice of colors, too. I think I'll be picking one up in a month or so ... whenever I feel like starting another project without finishing 5 others. Maybe April. :D

Also, that gauntlet and hammer is epic neat.

Sir John of Felsenbau:
As you can see from my knight of the week topic...each helmet has it's own crest based on the crest of that particular knight. Needless to say, my house if FULL of crested helmets.

Sir John

They're certainly cool but I'm hesitant to put a target on my head after the concussion I got from the daneaxe last Sunday.  ;)


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