Main > The Armoury

Knightly Arts, helmet crests

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Sir William:
Ok, just sent the funds for mine...excited!  Now, I just need a helm for it to go on.  Anyone got any suggestions?

Sir John of Felsenbau:
Sir William,

Guess it depends on what you want...or if your ancestory had a crest. I chose the red hawks head because of my distant McNicol relatives. In my movie about knights that I laready made, I didn't know a lot about knights...I used a bucket for a helmet, but it came out really good. I put two purple wings for the crest...since my surcoat was and is purple.

Sir John

Sir William:
My ancestry's hard to plot out...a full half of my ancestry were slaves brought over to the New World, no records were really kept with regard to names, surnames (if they even had one), original homelands, etc.  That's just on my father's side.

So, I've taken the dragon as the sigil of my house and my coat of arms I've applied to have registered with the American College of Heraldry, should that ever pan out.


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