Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

lets buy a village

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Sir Wolf:
http://www.accomodationsrome.com/apartment_detail.asp?ID=1314 italy?

Sir William:
I saw that on AA Wolf...that's one building for 3.4M Euros, we can get a whole village for only 400,000 Euros!!!!  MUCH better deal...even if it is in France and as you say, the only flag we could fly in the beginning would be a white one with a pale yellow stripe.  LOL

Or just yellow altogether...with a statant hyena as a charge.

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2012-03-01, 21:17:07 ---http://finance.yahoo.com/news/sale-deserted-french-village-pool-112542411.html

--- End quote ---

Naw, not in France...I'm not a big Jerry Lewis fan! ;)

Sir James A:
I'm in! Will they take negative equity in a house as a downpayment? :(


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