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shield size?

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I am ordering a shield from Oakheart. I can not decide between the 22x24 or the 22x36 heater. It will have the handles and guige strap. I will only use this for carrying and not reanactment or combat. So it will spend most of it's time on my back. I am thinking the smaller would be better for that purpose, but I do not want it to look undersized when I'm holding it. I'm 6' 240#.
 What is your experiance?
Legonoth, I know you just recieved one from Oakheart, haow is the larger one working for you?

Sir Wolf:
get the bigger one. or else it may look funny like your holding a kiddy version hehehe

Sir William:
I had them cut me a special size, 32" x 20" additional charge if I recall correctly, and since I got it unedged that  cut down on cost as well.  I find the hose edging to be ugly so I opted not to have it and I think my shield looks much better for it.  The 36" x 24" is standard size for the SCA.

The large one is pretty big, itll be huge on your back, i would say the smaller one, unless your a big guy
Im 6'2 130 pounds, pretty skinny lol

Sir Edward:

Yeah, 24x36 is huge. I forget what my shield is, but I want to say it's something like 22x30.


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