Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Traitors are now being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize!
Sir Brian:
And I thought the formerly highly esteemed organization had sunk to low depths by giving it to our Islamic Apologist and Chief back in 2009, a mere two months after being elected but now we have blatant traitors of our country nominated. Poor Alfred Nobel must be rolling over in his grave!
Sir Edward:
To be fair, it's just a nomination. For all we know, it was probably a single submission.
But yeah, I think the organization is starting to become irrelevant since their choices in recent years have been a bit baffling.
Sir James A:
It was probably his own mother who nominated him. Hopefully it wasn't anyone in the US. :(
Really, it's turning into something similar to an honorary degree from a college now. :P
Sir Edward:
Now, for an example of one they did right, I submit Norman Borlaug:
He was awarded the prize in 1970. This man is credited with saving the lives of over a billion. That's "billion", with a "b", as in a thousand million...
If he hadn't been awarded the Nobel, I'd have been really mad.
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