Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

who are you?

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Sir Wolf:
what knight of old, or mythology character best suits you or who you think you are?

Sir Edward:

Vlad the Impaler!

lol, just kidding. :)

That's a tough one. I'll have to think on it.

Oh man, that's a tough question. I will devote some thought to it. I have two main knightly role models, King Richard the Lion-Heart of England, and my patron Saint, St Louis IX of France.

After we select sn identifying character for ourselves, I think it would be intresting to pick ones that we think would suit another of the knights that we know.

Sir Ulrich:
Me? I dont know. I dont really act all too knightly enough to be considered one.

I would hope to be a bit like Wolf the Quarrelsome but I'm more like a Varangian Guardsman.


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