Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Indoctrinating kids with chivalry
Jeffrey Boyd Garrison:
When I was a wee lad in the early 80's, my dad got the neighborhood kids together and helped us to create swords out of yard sticks and shields out of wall panelling. My first armory then was emblazoned from "Copper, an eagle displayed Sable." My younger sister's was "Argent, a heart Gules." We weren't too concerned about usurpation of existing arms in those days. We would organize the neighborhood kids into teams and have battles as well as mono y mono duels... amazingly no one ever got hurt. At its height, there were perhaps 8 kids swatting each other with sanded & painted rulers on our block. Later we started jousting with rolled up newspapers on bicycles (without parental observation), however that didn't work out too well and was rather short-lived.
Here then is a photo of a few of us kids.
Anyone have pictures or memories of their youthful experiences swinging mock knightly implements of war at their friends?
Have you encouraged your own kids to engage in such activity?
Sir Edward:
Wow, that's actually pretty awesome. :)
Well, I do have the famous "Page Nathan" picture...
Sir Garrison, That is a awesome picture. I was in my late thirties before ever going to a faire and just started dressing for them a few years ago. We have introduced our adult kids to faires with some success. Our three year old grandchild was over and "Mike the Knight" came on. She called out Huzzah without prompt. I smiled with pride.
Jeffrey Boyd Garrison:
--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2012-02-25, 04:01:32 ---Well, I do have the famous "Page Nathan" picture...
--- End quote ---
This sounds fairly epic... I can only imagine? :D
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