Main > The Armoury

Christmas In February

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Sir James A:
Awesome! Allan makes some fantastic gear! Congrats!!

Sir Patrick:
I messed around in the armour a little this evening (didn't put my whole kit on, so no pics) and was really pleased with the fit.  Greaves fit like a glove and the vambraces had enough room in them I could turn my wrist without any restriction.  My only issue (and this in no way reflects on the workmanship) is keeping the elbow and knee cops in place.  They want to drop a bit when I move around. They're strapped, but I'm sure one of you guys has a tip on pointing them or something (hint, hint ;))

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: The Red Knight on 2012-02-22, 03:23:02 ---I messed around in the armour a little this evening (didn't put my whole kit on, so no pics) and was really pleased with the fit.  Greaves fit like a glove and the vambraces had enough room in them I could turn my wrist without any restriction.  My only issue (and this in no way reflects on the workmanship) is keeping the elbow and knee cops in place.  They want to drop a bit when I move around. They're strapped, but I'm sure one of you guys has a tip on pointing them or something (hint, hint ;))

--- End quote ---

Of course! :D

Drill two small holes near the strap and buckle rivets, and then point the knee/elbow cops to the mail. The points will keep them in place so they don't sag/shuffle, and the straps on the cops will keep the mail from flopping around as much. This way, the straps don't really keep the cop in place, so much as they keep the mail from flopping around as much. Also, you can point "outside in" by starting the point on the outside of the cop and lacing it inwards on the mail so that the tied portion of the point is inside the mail, sitting on your arming garment. It makes the point minimally noticeable to anybody but the most observant.

I have my knee cops pointed to my chausses; I still need to point elbow cops to my hauberk sleeves (which need tailoring first), but I can take a pic of the legs if my explanation isn't making sense.

Sir Patrick:
Makes perfect sense. Thanks!

Sir Patrick:
I have a question about the proper positioning of the bracers. Does the wrist bones go under the bracers or not?  If I wear them high they kind of interfere with the elbow cop, but if a wear them low, they interfere with hand movement. Also, the buckles should be in line the thumb, right?


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