Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Yeah i avoid them either way
Sir Wolf:
good on u
Ahhhh...Oh I know the feeling. As another high schooler who wears armour, I deal with the same problems you are dealing with, Leganoth.
I dealt with the problem fairly early on. I brought a sword in on my second day of school. (it was for a class, I'm no criminal here). No more ridicule. Also what helps is all the demos I've done over the years for the school. About half of the children in my high school have in person seen me use a sword in a destructive capacity. Such things tend to hush up a large segment of the population of potential vocalized morons.
And for those who ridicule you, stand your ground. Chivalry is a path of strength, and a knight on the battlefield is terrible to behold, and is a terror to his enemies.
Sir James A:
--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2012-02-22, 21:05:06 ---IMHO, people who are attempting to influence you that way are poisonous, and should be avoided.
--- End quote ---
I want to quote and re-emphasize this. I forget who said it, probably many people, but there's a saying along the lines of "I can judge the character of a man I've never met strictly by the company he keeps."
Sir William:
Great quote, Sir James. QFT.
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