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Goign Medieval on H2

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Sir Wolf:
ya i hope mine did as well

Sir James A:
I saw it last night, and enjoyed it a lot. Learned some new things, and I hope they can turn it into a series instead of just a one-time show. Also, per Black Swan Designs:

--- Quote ---Folks, please remember that YOU can help make this program a series by posting a positive comment either on the H2 website, or on Mike's FaceBook page. If you have the time, please do both!   

H2 FaceBook Page (

Mike Loades Official FaceBook Page (

--- End quote ---

Sir Edward:

I'll be sure to go post some comments.

I really enjoyed it. The main things I learned from it is the source of some common phrases and terms. Those were the eye-openers for me!

I also learned the meaning of a yellow hood. :)

Just finished watching, and thought it was excellent!  Mike Loades is great!  I too enjoyed the phrase origin stuff and was surprised by how many phrases are from falconry alone!  I also now know I will not try to authentically dye anything yellow.  :)

Sir Wolf:
i liked it. but with anything i see on tv i always wanna take things with a grain of salt. the padded aketon use for 1000 years? haven't seen that proof before heheehe other things i was like careful with the overstatements but it was a great show.


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