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Days of Knights

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Well, it's not so much that I don't know what I need to camp out, it's more honestly that I have no intention of buying all that stuff before October and driving it from Florida to Kentucky.  Also with the wife being preggers, sleeping outside will probably be a no-go.  If I do attend I'd more than likely be staying at a hotel in the evenings.  If enough of us are planning to stay at a hotel and are serious about going, perhaps we should coordinate our lodging? 

I guess I just don't understand how the daily routine works.  Do we all just hang out in the various encampments and answer questions?  I can't imagine the public will be a non-stop flow of people walking by and asking questions for 12 hours a day... what exactly does one do at a living history / reenactment event?  This will sound silly, but if you guys are doing Crusader era, and I'm doing 14th century, does that mean we're not supposed to be in the same encampment areas together?  I mean, you guys are the only people I will 'know' at the event, even though we haven't met in real life before, but I know I'd feel more comfortable going to something totally foreign to me if at least I get to do it with people I'm familiar with :)

I guess I just have no idea what to expect.

Sir Edward:
Good questions. I'm going to guess that between visiting patrons, folks more or less try to stay "in character" and socialize amongst themselves. But I haven't been to one yet, so I can't say for sure.

I know one thing I'd plan on is try to get a lot of pictures. It's a rare opportunity to stage a variety of great portraits, action scenes, etc.

As for mixing periods, I have a feeling they'll try to group people accordingly in terms of tent space, but it doesn't mean people can't interact. I'm thinking I'll probably do circa 1250 for the most part, but I can also bring my plate kit, which would put me in the 15th century, and I'd probably match no one. :)

I haven't decided for sure if I want to do the hotel room or not. My other idea is to get a room on Thrusday and Sunday nights, but camp on Friday and Saturday. One concern is leaving my tent and gear on site while I leave. But then again, as I said before, I like my air conditioning and modern shower. So we'll see.

Sir Wolf:
living history can vary from event to event. sometimes you are in a submersion event were you have nothing but period stuff and thats what you do all the time. DOTK seems what we think of as a public show. you look like you belong in period but it is hard to be submerged in it due to the questions etc and relating with the public. so its period really only in background and yourselves.

usually you are in "period" from event hours say 9-5ish then people like to party afterwards :) i've been doing lh for 10+ years now so any questions feel free to ask.

Yeah, Sir Wolf if you could give us the rundown on how this whole thing works, that would be great!  :)

My thing is I have very very little in the way on an encampment, just 2 chests for all my stuff. (though I will have some banners and flags) So naturally I'm going to have to bum with someones campsite (Sir Eds)
I'm gong to be portraying a 1350 Teutonic Knight (though for the combat I'll be dropping to 1370 so I can wear as much nice protective plate as possible) which will allow me to use pretty much all the armour I've collected over the years.

Sir Ed, if you're worried about leaving our stuff out, I could sleep in the tent to keep everything good and not stolen. (though I will levy a watchman's tax, in the form of the use of your hotel shower  :D)

Ian, if you got yourself a Teutonic Tabard, you could probably camp with me and Sir Ed, and be contemporary with my kit! (we're both doing Teutonic Knight)

Sir Wolf:
for this show it will be a lot of "who am i? what am i wearing? why am i here? yes that is a real fire. no you can't cut your sibling with the sword. this is what the encampment would have looked like. no i'm not an actor. i am (enter employment name) in real life" then the public moves on to the next encampment.

i would say if you guys hung out at one tent. had a suitable "periodisc" looking background it will be fine. you don't have to explain why you are together unless you use the order of the marshal banner and that you are showing a multitude of periods etc. public really doesn't know the details of a glastonberry chair vs a 900s box chest so what you have will be fine. you will find yourself learning jsut as much as the public does. learning your interactions with them and other reenactors. learning their kits and how to make your own better (thats the best thing!!) :)

anything else? :) happy to help


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