Main > The Campaign
Days of Knights
Sir Brian:
--- Quote from: Sir Matthew on 2012-04-14, 17:10:14 ---
--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2012-04-14, 00:31:28 ---Teutonic! Do the Teutonic!
--- End quote ---
Come to the German side. We have Strudel.
--- End quote ---
Und Bier! :)
Sir Wolf:
und Sir Brian in liederhosen!
Sir Brian:
--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2012-04-14, 17:17:32 ---und Sir Brian in liederhosen!
--- End quote ---
Herr Wolf, das ist nicht ein gutes Verkaufsargument! ;)
Sir Wolf:
SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY men women children of all ages come see Sir Brian this Sunday only in liederhosen!
better selling? hehhe
Sir James A:
--- Quote from: Sir William on 2012-04-13, 19:29:01 ---Looks good, Sir. Tempting...
--- End quote ---
Swap a templar tunic for a teutonic tunic, and you're set - no extra armor or accessories to buy.
(say 'templar tunic for teutonic tunic 5 times fast! :D)
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