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Days of Knights

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Sir Edward:

Well dang. Ian asked if alcohol on site is OK, and apparently it's not:

I already packed it, so I'll just take it out when we repack at Sir James's place.

I got my pee pee slapped for asking that question.  My intent was not to ruin anyone's fun, but state law is state law, and that's a dumb reason to get arrested.  I was genuinely curious, being ignorant to Kentucky state laws, but I knew in FL it would be illegal, so I thought I'd ask.  My apologies.  The response to my question, that I shouldn't have asked that in a public forum, once again raises some hairs on the back of my neck.  It's either legal or it's not, and trying to hide that question tells me that people there don't care whether it's legal or not and would rather not publicly be told no, so they can claim ignorance later...  A little off-putting...

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2012-10-10, 03:30:01 ---I got my pee pee slapped for asking that question.  My intent was not to ruin anyone's fun, but state law is state law, and that's a dumb reason to get arrested.  I was genuinely curious, being ignorant to Kentucky state laws, but I knew in FL it would be illegal, so I thought I'd ask.  My apologies.

--- End quote ---

No apologies needed, that was the smart thing to do. It didn't even occur to me that we were going to be in a public park, and there might be legal issues. It's better to know right now.

Sir James A:
I don't see the comments in there at all, they must have been pulled. Considering that most people knew this is a first time event, it's been a real mix of inviting and off-putting at the same time. It's beginning to make me wonder how things are going to go. Hoping for a good time though.

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2012-10-10, 03:30:01 ---I got my pee pee slapped for asking that question.  My intent was not to ruin anyone's fun, but state law is state law, and that's a dumb reason to get arrested.  I was genuinely curious, being ignorant to Kentucky state laws, but I knew in FL it would be illegal, so I thought I'd ask.  My apologies.  The response to my question, that I shouldn't have asked that in a public forum, once again raises some hairs on the back of my neck.  It's either legal or it's not, and trying to hide that question tells me that people there don't care whether it's legal or not and would rather not publicly be told no, so they can claim ignorance later...  A little off-putting...
--- End quote ---

I absolutely agree Ian! Those negative responses are a bit disturbing especially coming from people who are supposed to be espousing chivalric principles!  ???


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