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Days of Knights
Sir James A:
Two weekends left to finish preparing! The dining table is stained, the pair of 6' benches are complete, the two single-seat benches have been stained - this weekend I'll be finishing the two camp beds, and working on 3 tables - a pair of "side tables" for beside the bed, and a longer "display" table that I'll place between the beds, under my banner, with a few period ambiance items for effect.
LED candles are surprisingly dim for what I expected. And I got some that will physically fit inside the lanterns, but won't fit through the lantern door. Drat! Also have some fabric to sew some table runners. And my new cased greaves arrived.
And I let my friend tow his car with my truck earlier this week, which caused the brake & ABS lights to come on, and it's overheating. Oh, and still need to find a cap for it. And get it to my friend at the dealership this weekend.
It's going to be a busy weekend!
Lord Dane:
--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2012-09-28, 23:00:12 ---Two weekends left to finish preparing! The dining table is stained, the pair of 6' benches are complete, the two single-seat benches have been stained - this weekend I'll be finishing the two camp beds, and working on 3 tables - a pair of "side tables" for beside the bed, and a longer "display" table that I'll place between the beds, under my banner, with a few period ambiance items for effect.
LED candles are surprisingly dim for what I expected. And I got some that will physically fit inside the lanterns, but won't fit through the lantern door. Drat! Also have some fabric to sew some table runners. And my new cased greaves arrived.
And I let my friend tow his car with my truck earlier this week, which caused the brake & ABS lights to come on, and it's overheating. Oh, and still need to find a cap for it. And get it to my friend at the dealership this weekend.
It's going to be a busy weekend!
--- End quote ---
It's always something, Sir James. :) Let me know how the event goes. I'd go if I could afford the travel time. :( Can't unfortunately.
Sir Edward:
As we get closer, we'll want to make sure we're all on the same page about carpooling/caravaning over. What time to meet up, etc.
Wow, we're bringing a lot of stuff!
I started on my weapon racks today, and I bought enough wood to make two of them. I may not have time to make both, but I'll have at least one. I figure each will hold 7 weapons in any combination of swords or polearms, or thereabouts, depending on how I cut the holes. Maybe I can squeeze more in with the holes closer together.
Sir James A:
Think I figured out the overheating, drove it to the dealership without issues (an hour away). Brake and ABS lights are off. Having them give it a once-over to make sure.
I'm thinking I'll get the UHaul trailer the night before. That way it can be hooked up and ready to go without fiddling in the morning.
Should we try to leave really early, since once we get there, we still need to unpack and set up everything? It's getting dark early, so the more daylight, the better - I don't think there's any lighting at DoK.
If we can coordinate leaving early, and getting everything consolidated into the truck/uhaul, we should be good to go. Sir Edward, if you're not opposed to sharing sleeping space with Sir Nathan, everybody could sleep here the night before and wake up and leave together in the morning; also meaning we can have everything for everyone packed the night before. An idea to kick around.
I'm going to post my "list of stuff to pack" in a separate thread as a generic "living history checklist" thread.
How long is the drive for you guys and what time are you aiming at arriving at the DoK site?
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