Main > The Armoury

My Valentine's Day present

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Sir Brian:

--- Quote ---Sir Brian, just curious- what was the best Valentine's Day gift you got from m'lady?
--- End quote ---

My apologies Sir William but THAT is privileged information! – Besides we’re trying to keep this a family friendly forum!  ;)

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2012-02-16, 20:16:57 ---
--- Quote ---Sir Brian, just curious- what was the best Valentine's Day gift you got from m'lady?
--- End quote ---

My apologies Sir William but THAT is privileged information! – Besides we’re trying to keep this a family friendly forum!  ;)

--- End quote ---

Good answer. :)  But as we often say at faire.... how do you think families are made? :)

Sir Wolf:
George Washington?

George Washington schlept here, George Washington schlept everywhere,
why else do you think they call him the father of our country?

Sir Edward:

My lovely wife got me a book for Valentine's:

Not too bad. It has a lot of historical battles, and maps showing where they took place and the like.

Sir Brian:
Very cool! Books like that are great because they will have some intriguing information of medieval battles that have been long forgotten in antiquity.  :)


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