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Sir Brian:
It MINE! Final cost with shipping was $19.31


Sir Wolf:

Sir Edward:
Congrats! Yeah, this is really considered a "must have" for any armor enthusiast.

Mine's more recent than I thought, as it's the 1996 reprint. I must have gotten it shortly after this printing. I know I've had it since before I moved to VA, in 1997.

Sir William:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2012-02-16, 21:36:24 ---It MINE! Final cost with shipping was $19.31


--- End quote ---

So, you're mr.jerry eh?  lol  Pleased ta meetcha!  lol

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2012-02-16, 21:36:24 ---It MINE! Final cost with shipping was $19.31


--- End quote ---



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