Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2012-02-17, 00:04:27 ---
42% downloaded, but can't play til next week. Doh!
--- End quote ---
Well, I got as far as entering the first little town last night. But that's all I get to do til next week. Nice start though. The environments are beautiful. I didn't get to toy with it too much, but I didn't see in the UI how you cast spells? Hitting things with my sword, I have that covered.
Sir William:
Are you on PC as well, Sir Edward? If so, I am not sure how that works...in the console version, you can hotlink your favorite spells to a Favorite category (along with any favorite weapons and armor and potions you might've put into this category) - you can cast spells with either hand. If you're to be the spellsword type, then the right trigger will do the swordwork and the left trigger will cast the spells...or you could go no weapons and both hands will cast.
Why can you not play til next week, though? That's almost like getting a new piece of harness and being told you can't wear it for a week! It'd drive me nuts. lol
Sir Edward:
Yeah, I saw the option to mark things as "favorite", but I didn't know how that would apply to specific keys or mouse buttons.
I'm heading off to a convention today. Giving R2 a nice chance to get out and see his adoring fans. :)
Sir William:
R2? What con you goin to?
I'm thinking you could hotkey certain elements, a la AoE's ability to hotkey troops; as for UI, maybe the other mouse button if you're using the left one for sword work?
Sir James A:
--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2012-02-17, 16:18:19 ---I'm heading off to a convention today. Giving R2 a nice chance to get out and see his adoring fans. :)
--- End quote ---
Sounds like time to install a PC in R2 so you can play on the go. ;)
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