Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
School assignment. (Although you all might enjoy this one) (hint, Crusades!)
Sir Wolf:
been eating it for 20 years. family has owned the distributorship that long so it's been longer eating it. but nuff said about this. i think there good so u musta gota bad one. lets not take up Sir Nathans post.
Hey, it's no big deal. It's just getting around the school's rabid hate of E-mail so I can copy and paste at home ;D
And band isn't so bad. What's annoying though is those that take it wayy to seriously, and those who don't take it seriously at all.
"GASP!!!" Sir Wolf is.... The Cookie Guy???!!!??? :o
Sir Patrick:
It's kinda like finding out about Santa Claus.
Sir Wolf:
shh i'm him too
Sir James A:
--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2012-02-25, 14:05:33 ---"GASP!!!" Sir Wolf is.... The Cookie Guy???!!!??? :o
--- End quote ---
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