Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Gotta get this off my chest.
Sir Wolf:
okok i think i missed that part about the wma. my bad. i view it the same as a regular school of fighting, why would anyone else not? hehe
Sir James A:
Very well said, Ian. Allan, I agree, when the fun is gone, the point of it all is gone. I've almost all but abandoned my previous "hobby" because the fun died years ago and it became little more than a troublesome headache that I came to truly distaste.
--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2012-02-28, 15:25:48 ---I want to get out there and have fun, and I want to have practical knowledge that enhances my appreciation for the historical toys I collect.
--- End quote ---
This is the "heart" of it all for me. I don't want to win. I don't want to lose. I want to have fun, learn things, and share knowledge and enthusiasm with those who will listen. :)
I have found Sir Edwards long lost cousin...
My friend, Viscount Sir Thor Stagge of the West Kingdom. Yes his glasses have the Norwegian flag on them and he has a smurf on his tabbard. I guess if your a big enough badass no one can tell you boo yes? ;D
Just needed to remind everyone that I find great offence when folks get too damned nose-in-the-air, not that I think I'm right and they're wrong, just that their approach irks me. One of our leaders on this forum's profile pic has him rocking maille, a sword, and sunglasses and that is cool.
Sir Edward:
Yeah, it's a bit of a trademark for me to be wearing shades with my armor. It's mostly because the pictures I get are usually taken at the renfaire, where I'm opting to wear the sunglasses to be comfortable, and am just sucking up the anachronism. But I've turned it into a bit of a joke, that they're part of the kit. :)
Sir William:
If it isn't fun, it probably won't be worth doing in the long run. For me, getting to study and learn something that I've been fascinated by pretty much my entire life, as far back as I can remember, is as good as it gets. That I have met likeminded individuals is really the icing on an already great cake!
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