Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Gotta get this off my chest.

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Sir William:
I meant VAF, thank you Sirs Edward and Brian.  I do not know who my instructor is yet...but am looking forward to the class.

Sir Edward:
I'd take a page from Sir Wolf's book and say "Pictures!!", but they have a no-photo policy at VAF (this can be bent for some occasions, but is mostly a "get permission from everyone involved first" sort of thing).

Sir William:
I'll do what I can but I'm usually not one for having a go at the rules from the outset.  Give me some time...lol

I'm kidding, in case Bill happens to see this. 

Fought for the first time since August at the Golden Rivers Championship on Saturday. I was on the field from the first fights to the last. Wow I'm sore.

Also...I know this is old soup (and I have no animisity in this bit though it may seem so, I just want to point out some things I didn't before) but I must put this out there regarding SCA wrap shots: They have disabled legs through steel. I, myself, have been browned out by them through a 12 ga helm. What we call the Grasscutter Strike is in the manuals and uses wrap body mechanics.

God's help you if your opponent is using a mace and does that blow. I don't have to chop off a limb to disable it. I don't have to cut through your body through to stop you if I damage any of the vulnerable things on the back of your legs, butt, or neck.

My thing with the wrap shot is the vulnerability of the arm when thrown at the longer measures that WMA combat takes place.

But it is rather suited for a mace. I'm not going to argue it's existence in period, or that it shouldn't be used, or anything ridiculous, it's just simply not the Bread and butter in WMA that it is in the SCA.

Good fight, sounds like fun  :)


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