Main > The Armoury

CAS Hanwei Shuts Down

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Sir William:
Ulrich, found this for you here:

Go get'm, Brother.


--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2012-02-02, 14:40:53 ---Well, truthfully, I'm worried about Albion as well. They've been quiet about it, but I suspect their sales are hurting too. And they've fallen way behind this past year.

--- End quote ---

Do you have any idea how Albion and Albion Europe are structured?  I often go to the Europe site because it's frankly alot better, it has more photos, more information about the swords etc... but what I notice is that Albion Europe has a TON of swords in stock at all times. I'm just guessing they are having supplier issues here that they might not be feeling iEurope right now, but I always assumed the two companies are owned by a common entity.  But yeah, still waiting for the sword I ordered in September, last update had an ETA of shortly after the first of the year, but it's Feb now so...

Sir Edward:

You know, I've never been clear on how it's structured. I've been guessing that they treated it like a franchise, in that the European shop is separately owned, but paid to have access to their designs and methods. It's just a guess though.

Albion over here definitely had some supply issues this past year. They couldn't get their steel for the training blunts for most of the year. Now, they had issues getting their sharps rolling. I just asked them again about the sword I ordered in September, and when they replied yesterday, they said the steel had just come in that day. Now they have to catch up on doing the CNC blanks.

That does make things difficult-- when the materials arrive months late.

Sir William:
At least we're understanding enough to realize the issues of supply and demand w/regard to raw materials...hopefully, all of their customers do, too.

Well this recession has cost me about $75k personally and I'm just one man.


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