Main > The Armoury

dragon helmet topper

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Sir Wolf:
sorry i cant remember the name. but here are 2 dragon helmet topers. the face of the one on the left has been cut off.

Sir Wolf: idea for making one yourself

another pic to get an idea

Sir Edward:
Crap, looks like that second photo is blocked from hot-linking. I don't blame them, but they also blocked it from just pasting the URL into the browser! Man, they're really cracking down.

Yeah, I thought about the idea of using foam. I do have some foam sculpting tools. I'm just not sure about the durability. Maybe I can do some prototyping this way, and see if I can learn to carve wood the same way. Dunno.

It's interesting that in the first picture, the big green beast-head crest looks like it might be fabric or leather or something, since it has wrinkles down the back.

Sir Wolf:

Sir Edward:
You probably see it OK since you had it cached from looking on their site. What we see is this:

What page is the image from?


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