Main > The Round Table
Medieval artwork by forum members
Also, a great "Get out of artistic flaws jail free" card is claiming you are attempting to replicate the style of the period. ;)
Jeffrey Boyd Garrison:
These are awsometastic Sir Ed!
Sir Edward:
I did this one with a mechanical pencil, without having any of the codex plates nearby. Hopefully that means I can leave the training wheels off, so to speak. :)
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2012-02-01, 04:08:53 ---Also, a great "Get out of artistic flaws jail free" card is claiming you are attempting to replicate the style of the period. ;)
--- End quote ---
My thoughts exactly. Heck, you should see Codex Wallerstein. It looks like they had a 5-year old draw it for them.
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