Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Happy Birthday Sir Edward!

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Happy Birthday Sir Edward!  May the force be with you as you live long and prosper.   :o

Sir Ulrich:
Happy Birthday

Sir Wolf:
wow this year went fast, seems just yesterday you were no longer the famous "37" now i guess you truly are an old woman.. man!

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2012-01-24, 12:22:25 ---Wow are you SURE you're 39 today, because you were moving around pretty good for an old man this past Sunday! ;)

--- End quote ---

I know quite a few people who have been "39" for about a decade. This must be the "first" 39. ;)

Happy Birthday, Sir Edward!

Sir Edward:
Thanks again everyone!

--- Quote from: Ian on 2012-01-24, 20:24:03 ---May the force be with you as you live long and prosper.   :o

--- End quote ---

I'm the right kind of geek, where either of those works, and both together makes me smile. Heh. :)


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