Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Age of Empires II + The Conquerors : High-res patched!
Sir James A:
Age of Empires II finally has a user-submitted patch that breaks the 1280x1024 resolution cap, so you can play in fantastic 1920x1200 glory (or whatever resolution your monitor supports!). It also increase the population limit to 250 - ever seen 12 trebuchets, 16 mangonel/catapults, 20 halberdiers, 10 monks, 30 swordsmen, and 60 briton longbowmen storming across the battlefield towards your town? It's not a pleasant sight, unless you're the one controlling said army. :D
It also fixes some AI issues, such as if the computer builds a wall around their town and then lumberjacks clear the trees where the wall couldn't be built, the original AI would leave that nice "door" for you to walk right through. Computer controlled villagers will also repair damaged buildings and siege engines, and the original AI would not.
Shortly after 2012 began, I teamed up with the Teutons to wreak havoc upon 6 other poor computer opponents - but with high-res glory! Huzzah!!
Sir Wolf:
oh man awesome. i lost my discs long ago. i have AoE3 still... somewhere but 2 was the best
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