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Maille gloves

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Sir Ulrich:
Only issue is my riveting tool rivets the rings at an angle. So it's rarely straightly riveted. Maybe thats just how I rivet or hold the thing cause some are riveted straight. My hands hurt like hell though from making just a SMALL patch of maille, thank god I am only making gloves, cant imagine how hard it is to make a shirt or hauberk like mine.
I'm getting tired of it peening the rivets at an angle, it isnt peening properly IMO because of that and if the tool is broken I am 100% DONE with making my own riveted maille, i'm sick of how they make piss poor tools that BREAK every time I use them.

Sir James A:
Agreed with Sir Brian on the mittens. Post a pic of the rivets setting at an angle; I might know what's going on but show me a pic or two and I might be able to help. Also, are you riveting the GDFB loose links with the IceFalcon tool, or IceFalcon rings w/IceFalcon tool?

Allan Senefelder:

--- Quote ---I'm getting tired of it peening the rivets at an angle, it isnt peening properly IMO because of that and if the tool is broken I am 100% DONE with making my own riveted maille, i'm sick of how they make piss poor tools that BREAK every time I use them
--- End quote ---

I know this will sound like " yeah, yeah he's done it for years, its easy for him ) but I rivet tiny stuff all the time and don'e use pliers. It takes a little practice but, its basically in front of the TV work. Theres no way for me to explain it through a key board but it has to do with how you strike with the hammer and the weight. I could explain this in person with a demo very easily. Maybe over the phone would be better but seen in person you'd see its all about technique, and technique gets better with simple practice. Pliers help if used and made properly but can be done without.

Sir Ulrich:

This is how it rivets them, occasionally it will rivet them normally but 7/10 times it will do this the other 2/10 it will FAIL to rivet them properly.
I only have used this tool with the icefalcon rings and rivets. didnt want to break anything doing it but I think the tool may be busted or something, which worries me considering it was 40 bucks...

--- Quote from: Allan Senefelder on 2012-01-09, 02:56:05 ---
--- Quote ---I'm getting tired of it peening the rivets at an angle, it isnt peening properly IMO because of that and if the tool is broken I am 100% DONE with making my own riveted maille, i'm sick of how they make piss poor tools that BREAK every time I use them
--- End quote ---

I know this will sound like " yeah, yeah he's done it for years, its easy for him ) but I rivet tiny stuff all the time and don'e use pliers. It takes a little practice but, its basically in front of the TV work. Theres no way for me to explain it through a key board but it has to do with how you strike with the hammer and the weight. I could explain this in person with a demo very easily. Maybe over the phone would be better but seen in person you'd see its all about technique, and technique gets better with simple practice. Pliers help if used and made properly but can be done without.

--- End quote ---
So would I need an anvil to do this? if so what size would be decent cause I'm considering to hell with this tool as I already got like so many rings that are already riveted assuming thats how they should of been. Maybe the rivets aren't properly annealed or whatever not sure, some of them rivet easily others don't.

Allan Senefelder:
Something like a small piece of railroad rail. Just 2 or three pounds that can sit in your lap while you're in a chair. Like these

The rivets are what I call skewed. This means ( to me ) that when the rivet is being set, it is not setting straight up and down so it S's out rather than compressing straight. This can happend when hammer setting/peining a rivet if you do not hold the rivet vertically when piening, usually when to much force is used to hammer. The rivet shank will S out the same way.


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