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Blackening a maille coif

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Sir Ulrich:
Allright I managed to get a GDFB maille coif for Christmas. I am pretty satisfied with it due to it not having a gaping neck hole and it fits my head rather well, except one thing, it's metallic grey. I would like to know how to blacken it to match my already blackened hauberk and overall my whole kit. In case you're wondering I would like the degree of blackening to match the Icefalcon maille, which I'm unsure how they do it but it may be through a chemical. Any suggestions on how to blacken it?

Sir Wolf:
soak  it in olive oil and put it in the oven on a cookie sheet on the lowest setting for a while. the oil should sink in.

Sir Patrick:
Do you grease the cookie sheet? ;)

Sir Ulrich:
Ok first things first, this stuff is covered in machine oil. Now normally i'd keep it on but I am actually allergic to the substance it's covered in. Any suggestions on how to get it off and what to replace it with?

Sir Wolf:
dont worry about putting stuff back on. i rubbed mine off and stuff. it's still on there. i've owned rivetted mail for 10 years? now? and it rusted bad once. and i sand cleaned it and its been fine ever since.


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