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Reinforcing points on arming clothes
Sir Brian:
--- Quote ---My wife went through several leather needles trying to sew points to the shoulders of the revival linen gambeson. It's extremely layered at the shoulder joint.
--- End quote ---
Yes it is which is why I am sewing it by hand...Definitely is easier if you pre-punch the leather. ;)
Sir Wolf:
use a leather awl. it works miricles
Sir Brian:
Adding arming points to a Gambeson
Here is a picture of the basic requirements:
~ Note that the eyelets for the lacing cord are an extra step I got into the habit of doing with leather to hopefully help extend the serviceability of the holes.
~ Using the leather punch tool to prep the leather arming swatch is a great time saver as well as easier on the hands!
~ Although stitching the arming swatch with the lacing cord already in place is convenient, it isn’t crucial as there will eventually come a day when you will have to replace the lacing cord.
~ Believe it or not but not all cops are created equal! That being said my shoulder cops had enough of a diameter difference between them that I had to ensure I marked each swatch to correspond to a specific cop so keep that in mind as you align your arming points for your armor.
~ Straight pins make stitching larger swatches a lot easier, I also typically use a very heavy nylon ‘outdoor’ type of thread for this sort of project.
Halfway there! ;)
Sir William:
Wow, cool- thanks for posting you guys!
Sir John of Felsenbau:
I'm not sure exactly "arming clothes" are. Are you talking about surcoats and shield? Those I make all myself.
Sir John
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