Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Anybody else telecommuting in their full leg harness today....
Sir James A:
...cause I am! Even made and ate lunch with it on. And no "saggy knee" syndrome like I had at the last knighting ceremony - and I can move like a normal human! I've been able to kneel on both knees at once, one knee or the other, I've jumped, kicked as high as my chest (cause that's all my inflexible out-of-shape body can do), and even turned a quick cartwheel!
I'm still a bit on the fence with this "c-belt", even after adjustments, instead of a pourpoint - it felt a little sloppy during the cartwheel - so I'll be ordering a Historic Enterprises pourpoint and going back and forth between them randomly, whenever I get the opportunity to armor up and walk around the house. :D
Sir Brian:
Very cool! When you get the pourpoint you MUST reinforce the holes with some leather! :)
Sir Patrick:
--- Quote ---Anybody else telecommuting in their full leg harness today....
--- End quote ---
Nah, I just wear mine to the office.
Sir Wolf:
would suck driving a truck for 11 hrs in them though heeheeh
Sir William:
I would've had I known you were, Sir James! I still need to get the tabs on the legs, then punched, then grommeted to accept tying to the c-belt. From what I'm hearing though, is a pourpoint's a better option? You actually gave me one that needs to be reinforced but is ready for service thereafter. I gotta get to the cleaners to have them sew on leather tabs to that. Ugh...too much work. lol
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