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Combatting Double Kills.

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Sir Brian:
Thanks for posting this because I think that’s really interesting and will ask about giving it a try at tonight’s class. In our more formal (i.e. tournament mode) bouts we count doubles against both so yeah you can get hosed in points.  ;)

I hear some groups actually have a mode where after a touch is made, the fighters have 3 moves, if the person who was hit or touched returns the hit or touch, then the original hit or touch is negated.

Sir Edward:

We sometimes work with an "after blow" rule, where after being hit, you have a single action within which to hit the other guy back. That turns it into a double, meaning you both lose or the point is negated. Any attack that doesn't properly defend against a follow-through leaves you open to death.

Sir William:
Sort of like 'Last Stand' in Call of Duty?  You're shot, you go down but you have the ability to shoot from on your back in a last ditch effort to take out your attacker...if you survive the firefight, you stand back up.  Sorry for the MW3 reference...did it last night and was shocked that I survived.


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