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This week was a sad week

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--- Quote from: RauttSkegg on 2011-12-13, 20:07:19 ---Almost been there:Earlier this year, a week & a half before my 32nd b-day, my fiance broke it off and asked me to move out. I had moved 1500 miles to be with her, we then got engaged, and a month after I moved in she told me it was over. I had to move 1500 miles to find a place to live.

Yeah that sucks, it doesnt feel good and its just lack of respect in a way because you had to do so many things than a month later they change their mind.

But aside from all that I got a two handed sword for my birthday, just needs to be sharpened. Anyone know a good tool used for sharpening a sword?

That incident brought me here to this board actually, so some good came of it.

So Happy Birthday man!

Have a laugh, you feel better.

--- End quote ---

Sir James A:
The best tools I've seen for sharpening are still the "classics". A couple good stones of different coarseness and some whetstone oil. Definitely *never* take a grinder or power tool to it, or it will destroy the temper. The high-end katana makers seem to still do it that way - I'd guess it's the same for european makers, since sharp is sharp regardless of the blade it's on (ignoring blade geometry). You can pick up some cheap starter stones for around $5-$10, or a full maintenance kit for around $25 - it's marketed as being for japanese swords, but stone is stone, powder is powder, oil is oil. :)

Oh, if it's a stainless sword, don't sharpen it. Stainless is the devil's metal if it's used for a sword that is anything other than a display piece.


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