Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
This week was a sad week
Last Wednesday (the 7th) was my birthday day, on friday + saturday was my party. Friday night my girlfriend broke up with me over a lie someone told her and she believed it, saturday was my airsofting party, 1 person came of the about 6 i invited. depressing.
Sir Edward:
Wow, I'm so sorry. That's absolutely awful.
In the grand scheme of things though, it's just one birthday. You'll have a lot more, and much better ones, I promise. :) In the long run, you probably don't want to be with a girl who will believe people's lies and not give you the benefit of the doubt, without at least talking about it before storming off.
I've always felt it was better to be alone than to be with the wrong people.
Since the party didn't work out, perhaps you could schedule another one? Maybe next week as a post-birthday party?
Anyway, for what it's worth, happy birthday!
Sir William:
Hey man, happy belated...sounds like it could've been better but as Sir Edward said- better to be alone than with the wrong sort. That she did that w/out even letting you speak your piece means she does not possess the wherewithal to make sound judgement- better to learn that now than later. You know whether or not you are innocent- you will find that sometimes, it will be you against all. As a knight, it is our calling- but that doesn't mean we have to love it all the time. There will be better ones to come, wait and see.
Sir Brian:
My sympathies to you for such unfortunate occurrences to transpire upon your birthday, but as what has already been stated you will have a few worse ones and I hope far better ones more often in your future! As for the girl friend, methinks there will come a day when she will lament her poor and frivolous choice. ;)
Sir James A:
I'll echo what these fine gentlemen have said; if she left over such a trivial "he said she said" and doesn't trust you, there was little to be had in the future with her anyway. And I'd go for a "weekend after" birthday party - sometimes it's just schedule conflicts.
As an example, 3 weeks ago we had a "1 year old" birthday party for my nephew. His mother invited roughly 120 people - and we had about 30 or 40 show up. Sometimes it just happens that way, but it's a good reminder to appreciate the people who did make it. :)
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