Main > The Great Hall


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Sir Patrick:
Hail and well met!

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Good speed to you David and welcome.

Sir Andrew:
Welcome David!
I too am in NC. Whence do you hail?

David of St. Alban:
Huntersville, just North of Charlotte. 

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: David of St. Alban on 2011-12-05, 19:04:51 ---i wish, working with a local armourer who normally does SCA, but I ticked his fancy and ask him if he would to do a suit for me...  but that's the look im going for.  Not TOO much fluting, but going with the armet and having the grand guard attached so i can do tourneys with the solid hemlock lances...

--- End quote ---

That's Italian style, and one of my favorites. :) Which armorer are you working with?


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