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Anglo Saxon demo at the National Geographic Museum

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James Barker:
The SCA is having a demo on Sunday December 18th from 11am to 4pm in the National Geographic Museum in conjunction with the Anglo Saxon Gold Hoard exhibit on display.

I am going to interpret an 6th/7th century warrior as part of the demo.

If anyone is interested in seeing the exhibit it might be a good weekend to go.

Sir Brian:
That I believe will be our Free-play Sunday @ MASHS which I don't want to miss.
Bummer it's only one day! :(

Sir Edward:

I'm not sure if I can fit it in either or not. I'll have to check. That day is VAF's holiday party.

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2011-12-05, 15:00:11 ---
I'm not sure if I can fit it in either or not. I'll have to check. That day is VAF's holiday party.

--- End quote ---

I can just imagine what goes on under the mistletoe at one of those! I’m guessing best of five cuts! ;)

Sir James A:
I think that's the "Yule Tea" at Berkeley Springs castle. I'll have to check and see. Thanks for the heads up.


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