Main > The Armoury

Ugo Serrano has more talent in his pinky....

(1/2) > >>

... than I do in my whole body.

Sir Wolf:

Freak!  :o

That is seriously amazing.          8) 8) 8)

Sir William:
There is another suit of armor I've seen on AA...the helm is very lifelike, Grecian in aspect because it has the curly ringlets and anthropomorphic features you find on busts and such.  Can't recall where exactly I saw it but it was plain awesome.  This helm is super cool too.  Does that faceplate actually lift?  Oh man...that's pure awesome sauce right there.

I think you mean Arminius' helm on the forums there. That thing is a beauty. Same guy also has a Ugo cuirass, and man is it sweet.


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