Main > The Great Hall

Re: Greetings!!

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Sir Andrew:
Hail and well met to all my brethren here on these pages. There have been a LOT of additions since I last entered these pages! Good work on your recent Knighting, young Nathan! From what Sir Brian has told me, sounds like an awesome ceremony! I've been living at school for a culinary degree which has surprisingly enough devoured huge blocks of my time. ( next time, I'm splitting the atom....) alas, as time permits, I will try to catch up with all of you and hopefully get my profile page established once again.
Happy holidays to all, and stay safe .....

Sir Andrew

Sir Brian:
Welcome back to the forum brother! You have been sorely missed! Certainly understandable what a phenomenal burden you've been under with your studies...although I do still say you taking culinary lessons is  akin to a fish taking swimming lessons! ;)
Very glad you have you back on the forum! :)

Sir Patrick:
Welcome back!

Sir Edward:

Welcome back, Sir Andrew! It's good to see you here again. It has been much too long.

Sir James A:
May I suggest a sharp, high quality blade like an Albion to split the atom with?

Welcome back.


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