Main > The Round Table
Some pics from Halloween
Sir Brian:
Very cool Merc3065! I am envious of your group! It is my sincere hope and wish that our order starts doing this in the near future. – Last weekend’s cutting party and practice was in my mind at least a feasibility test for getting some of us together. I think it is very doable and heartily agree with my brethren in that we need to start moving in this direction of conducting demonstrations and historical presentations.
--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2011-11-26, 03:08:51 ---Amen! I need to get some safety gear for my guys lol! Hey, I'd be game for any demos Sir Brian And Sir Ed, if you'd have me. :D
--- End quote ---
Most definitely Sir Nathan, I regret we ran out of time last weekend because I wanted to swing some steel at you! ;)
Alright! :)
Curse the lack of sunlight, I'd have liked a steel bout as well! ;D
Sir William:
Same here...but it was probably just as well that we didn't. I came away with the knowledge that I needed to invest in my own protective gear, learn to fight in it regularly and to join either VAF or MASHS to learn more. ;)
Yeah. I've bouted with steel before, so I'd be fine with it. Although you can never have enough safety or knowledge ;)
On the order of Safety, I'd prefer to have that bout wearing my plate :)
(BTW, Merc, you might want to watch chewing up your wooden wasters on yuor steel plate harnesses. I know I wouldn't want to eat up my nice Hollow Earth that way)
Sir Wolf:
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