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Mal Reynolds is still my hero.

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Sir Edward:
The show was awesome. It takes a couple of episodes to realize just how well written it is. It doesn't help that the first episode they aired wasn't the actual pilot. They saved that for about half-way through the season.

But yeah, that's one of my favorite scenes in the whole series, is the sword fight... simply because of Mal's moment there. :)

BTW, you can skip to 8:30 in that clip to see the part we're referring to:

Didn't even know the show existed until Serenity hit theaters in 2005.  Went and saw the movie by itself, loved it, found out there was a show and was blown away.  Such a shame it didn't last beyond the first season.  I run through the DVD's now and again.

Sir William:
Watching that clip that Morena Baccarin?  Holy crap, it is.  *drool*  You guys should see her in Homeland...she is flawless, as a physical specimen of beauty.

Edited to add:  there are a number of actors in this show that I like watching...Alan Tudyk, Adam Baldwin and Summer Glau to name a couple...might be I need to check this out more thoroughly.  I do recall seeing some weapons and clothing from the Serenity movie in the MRL catalog but they never sparked my interest so I figured the show would be the same way for me.  I might be wrong...imagine that.  lol

Sir Edward:

Yeah, it really is top-notch all the way through. You just have to get used to its style, and that takes a couple of episodes. I'd watch them in the order they're on the DVD set, since they were shown out of order on TV. The DVD compilation sets it straight.

Sir Brian:
netflix has the whole series as well!  ;)


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