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three musketeers

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Sir Brian:
I concur with Sir Matthew! I did see the previews and the steampunk aspect appealed to my wife and me very much. It turned out to be an interesting and entertaining deviation from the original tried and true story which gave it the proper balance of familiarity and uniqueness.  :)

Sir William:
Worth a viewing then, it sounds like.  I'm not a fan of steampunk but I did enjoy Sky Captain so who knows, I might like this as well.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: ECOX on 2011-11-08, 04:13:24 ---Still not sure if I would want to pay full price to see it. But, I am tight.

--- End quote ---

Not many reasons to pay $20 to watch the same movie that can be seen at the same theater for $14 or so on a matinee day. :)

I'm planning to see this. I've long abandoned any notion of watching a movie and seeing historically accurate stuff - Hollywood wants ratings and viewers, not praise from a small subset of people who like the historical accuracy. "Movie" mindset is different from "documentary" mindset for me; it seems to ease the mental anguish.

Sir Ed, looks like I am in the minority and it is probably worth the watch for you.
Sir James, I never go in looking for H.A., Like you said it does not appeal to the masses.
It didn't help that I was bummed because I started to see Puss in Boots but opted for a more mature film. lol.

Sir Wolf:
HA hehheheh


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