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MY new surcoat

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Here are the pics for my new surcoat and the beginning of my new personna. Also Finished my mantle and torse.

Nice Surcoat. Where did you get it made?

What personae are you creating? BTW, I like the colors  ;)

Thank You.  It is  from facebook: . They are the ones that I bought my Templar from. I designed the color scheme and sent them a email describing it.
 The rough in of my new personna is of Welsh decent named Rhys Coch. Coch is a earlier form of my real last name Cox. I am going for a mix of H.A and some fantasy. I want to have a charge, ( what is the proper name for the emblem on my chest?), of a Cockatrice.  The cocke being the namesake of Cox and the Cockatrice being a little more fierce.

Go for it. It looks quite nice. What period are you shooting for?

Later 1300's. I am working on a new hauberk with longer selves and eventually reworking my coif after that.


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