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Medieval movies?

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Joshua Santana:
YES!  Cannot wait to see the entire series!   ;D

I ran the title through search and nothing cam up so I hope this is not a repeat but if you have not seen The 1968 classiThe Lion in Winter you have never seen the best medieval movie. It is the story of Henry II and his wife Eleanor of Aquitaine. it is superbly written,  sublimely directed and acted by some of the best artist who have ever been filmed. It stars Peter O' Toole, Katherine Hepburn, Anthony Hopkins as Richard I (first movie role) and Timothy (James Bond) Dalton as Phillip II. While it is a fictionalized account of the times I think it captures them very well.


Sir John of Felsenbau:
I'll have to check my long list of movies to see if I already have it. But the stars involved are awesome, so if I don't have it, I'll get it. Thanks for the info.

Too bad you guys don't have time to make the movie I made a script and costumes for, about knights. I already made one about knights, which I am going to show at my knighting.

I am, your most obedient servant,

Sir John


--- Quote from: TimothyPaulGallagher on 2013-08-24, 04:34:10 ---The Lion in Winter ?

--- End quote ---

Yup both versions. :)

"If I was on fire, you wouldn't even piss on me to put it out!"

"Strike a flint and find out?"

Another film that really sets a great 14th century atmosphere is The Name of the Rose, with Sean Connery. 


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