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Medieval movies?

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Sir John of Felsenbau:
I will keep everyone informed as I get further on the screenplay. At first I was going to do it on Sir Wm Marshal, but I thought so much has been done on him and I could never do him I have another idea which I really loke. More on this later.

I am your most obedient servant,

Sir John

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---I will keep everyone informed as I get further on the screenplay. At first I was going to do it on Sir Wm Marshal, but I thought so much has been done on him and I could never do him I have another idea which I really loke. More on this later.
--- End quote ---

Thank you Sir John!  Keep us informed!

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Joshua Santana on 2012-05-06, 17:11:45 ---
--- Quote ---I guess none of the members are interested in that idea of making a movie?

--- End quote ---

I think most of us like the idea Sir John, the problem would be that it would take time and means to get all of us on one or several locations, do the filming and that can take even more time, it would create a conflict of different schedules.  But I like the idea and why not do a Promo video of all of us together as Knights of the Order o the Marshall?  Why not do a couple of movies where we go on Quests, adventures of our own designs?

--- End quote ---

Time, distance and any acting ability are 3 things I would not have enough of. A shorter promo video, rather than full length film, would be more likely - but not likely for me this year.

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---Time, distance and any acting ability are 3 things I would not have enough of. A shorter promo video, rather than full length film, would be more likely - but not likely for me this year.
--- End quote ---

True on that Sir James, time would be a problem unless managed well by a consistent and up to date schedule.  Or why one of us film with someone else and the others do the same, we send a copy of the film to the person who will collect it and put it together into a combined film and there you have it.

Distance is also a problem, but if it is filmed by someone who knows an ideal location and send the copy to the film editor, that should be no problem. 

Acting ability, I can act but in regards to others, all I can say is why not have fun?  Why not act like in the Knights in cinema (why not Sir Edward re-enact Sir Balian or Sir Nathan re-enact as a Teutonic Knight with an Aragorn attitude or persona, or why not Sir Brian be the "Green Knight" from the poem, or I could be a "Renaissance Knight" like Don Giovanni dalle Bande Nere, Sir Philip Sydney, Don Juan of Austria, a Knight of Malta or Sir Walter Raleigh?)?  I would do my best to encourage you guys to have fun and in the end we will be full of jollity when we watch the blooper reels.

In honesty I like the idea but we all would have to work together to do this, it can start from (I will use this hypothetical example: Me, Sir Ulrich and Sir Matthew would film a segment either in Pennsylvania or New Jersey, once the filming is done, I send the copy of the footage to Sir Edward to compile it with per say him, Sir Brian, Sir Nathan and Sir James.  When he gets both footage in, he slaps them together and we have our film) combined teamwork despite long distance.  Now if we want to film all of us together, a solution that would come to my mind would be to film nearby a Ren Faire where we are going to be at.

I must profess that this is just my idea, take it or leave it.

Sir Edward:

Personally, I'm a terrible actor... unless it comes to creature effects. I do a mean Grim Reaper for Halloween. :)


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